Friday, December 16, 2016


The internet is full of websites that claim to be listing the best PTC websites that are available at the current moment.
The truth is by far that, though.
These websites only list PTC websites that are affiliated with and not because they are considered the best. The PTC websites that are listed on these websites will most probably go down after 6 months.
And who decides what PTC website is the best? On what factors? I mean, what characteristics do PTC websites should have in order to be labelled as ”the best”?
Well, there is a website that I’ve found recently that monitors and lists the best PTC sites that are available at the moment.
The website is called and it is the only website I’ve seen so far that it developed it’s own ranking rules.
The admin of this website developed 15 rules that help anyone to determine if the PTC website is trusted and legit or if it scammy looking and not to be trusted.
Each PTC website is ranked based on the score it gets with easy to understand colours next to each PTC website.
I highly recommend that you visit the site to check the facts for yourself. I am sure you are going to love it.
The admin claims that he will be updating the information, once per month. Let’s hope he keeps his promise.🙂

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