Monday, August 27, 2018

How To Use Award Plaques To Motivate Your Employees

In a recent survey done to over 1500 employees of small and medium size businesses in New York to find out whether employees feel like their achievements and hard work is recognized by their managers, the results were not encouraging – at all.
It seems that only 12% of the 1500 survey participants feel like their hard work is been recognized and rewarded. The other 88% answered that they don’t get the recognition they deserve.
Motivation is a crucial part of success for any small to medium business – in any business sector. Good employees work hard to achieve their personal and business goals and even if they don’t manage to meet their goals their effort needs to be recognized.
After all, no one wants their good, hard working employees to leave from the company and head over to competition.
The easiest thing to do to show the appreciation to any of your employees is to give them award plaques.
Yes, you heard me right. Award plaques.
Plaques and Awards have been since … forever, one of the most recognized and more economic methods to show gratitude for someone efforts or even to award someone for their success.
A well-organized gala dinner for your employees once per year where the CEO of the company will be rewarding employees or other business partners for their effort and continues collaboration is a must in today’s business era.
Custom plaques are not expensive as they used to be and can be ordered even online. Just send the wording, choose the material and the amount you want to order and you are done.
Imagine your awarded employee how proud he or she will feel receiving a plaque with his name on in front of all his/hers colleagues for his/hers contribution to the company’s success.
Will it motivate them or what?
What do you think? Do you have any comments on this? If yes, leave them below and let us start a discussion.