Sunday, October 21, 2018

Build The Ultimate Business Thumb Drive With Zetta’s45

The brilliance behind one of Microsoft Excel’s best known programming teams known as Zetta has reemerged with a new set of Excel-based business tools. 
Zetta, for those who are younger than 25, designed and programmed custom excel tools and templates for business of all sizes and provided easy-to-use business tools to companies all over the world. 
In recent years, small businesses have been forced into paying accountants or consultants hundreds of dollars to create tools like; break-even analysis, pro forma financials, price elasticity, product pricing, and business case modeling. 
Not a programmer? Sounds a bit scary to build these tools on your own, right?  Well, that’s where these guys saved the day.

Circa 2010, there was a clear alternative to high-priced consultants monopolizing these critical business tools.  There was Zetta, a small group of international MBAs and VBA programmers with the simple goal of using excel programming language to take the mystery out of these critical business tools and driving up profits. 
Zetta was essentially a team of big thinkers, with a very simple intention; create excel tools for the everyday business person. Their goal; give the world a more productive workday at the lower possible price.  Many of you might remember them as ZettaLogix, or Zettas123.
The word Zetta by the way, is barrowed from mathematics and represents what most people would never ponder.  It represents a decimal unit prefix denoting a factor of 1021 power.  That’s 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 (21 zeros for those counting), a number so large it wasn’t added to the International System of Units (ISU) until 1991!  A million-billion, that’s a BIG number. 

The name Zetta was chosen for the symbolism behind 1021.  Their first and most famous set of excel-based business tools emerged as Zetta’s21A collection of 21 essential excel-based business tools, that Zetta believed every single business-person should own and carry on a thumb drive.  For less than $50, you could bring an international MBA along with you in your pocket.  Not a bad return on investment, folks!
Team Zetta just released their latest collection, Zetta’s45 Essential Tools Collection.  It’s the ultimate set of excel tools and templates for starting a business, running a business, managing a business, front office templates, personal finance, personal fitness, and  a few extras developed throughout the years.  
All pre-programmed with easy to use instructions included.  And the best part, you get over 45+ tools for an outrageously discounted price of $25 (56% off package price).   

That’s fantastic news for those who remember the good ‘ol days of not paying top-dollar for excel-based management tools.    
Download these tools and copy them to build your business thumb drive today, and you will have a much more productive workday and business trip. Once again, brought to you by the Team Zetta.  Our top pick!

Monday, October 15, 2018

How To sell Bitcoins With iTunes Gift Cards

Back in the days when it was not so easy to buy bitcoins, but today you have many options to buy bitcoins.

Some of these forms are:
·        Convert iTunes to bitcoin,
·        Exchange Amazon gift card for bitcoin
·        Sell iTunes gift card,

Bitcoins, but among these, the last option to buy bitcoins is relatively unknown. Many Bitcoin buyers remain uninformed through this path, even if they use iTunes gift cards that they do not use.

That's why it's important to discuss this path as well. This method can also be used when new registrations are suspended. Let's start with Bitcoin with iTunes gift cards.

Buy Bitcoin with iTunes Gift Card

1. Paxful is the equivalent of eBay for Bitcoin. It is a peer-to-peer market for the purchase of Bitcoin in New York City. That's why it supports more than 300 payment methods, including payment using the iTunes Gift Card. The seller pays 1% to Paxful, the buyer pays to convert the gift cards to BTC in all countries.

2. The Coin Portal (Cointal) is also a cryptocurrency market at eye level. It is also the first peer-to-peer market for Ripple and Ethereum. And here is the company's goal to simplify the purchase of cryptocurrencies by connecting sellers with buyers and offering endless forms of payment. And the good thing is they can buy BTC for the iTunes Gift Card. Here is an advance of your open orders with 1% commission on the sale. This is also accepted worldwide.

3. LocalBitcoins is another famous Bitcoin startup that facilitates the exchange of Bitcoin between peers. It is a reputable website to buy bitcoins from vendors around the world. And the good news is that it supports more than 30 payment methods, including transactions with iTunes gift cards! The buyer/seller who creates ad fees has 1% fee for each completed transaction. Approved in all countries.


Now you know what you need to buy Bitcoin with the iTunes Gift Card, but I know that these options are very few. But every day the cryptosphere grows by leaps and bounds so you can expect many more services in the future.

The article

Monday, August 27, 2018

How To Use Award Plaques To Motivate Your Employees

In a recent survey done to over 1500 employees of small and medium size businesses in New York to find out whether employees feel like their achievements and hard work is recognized by their managers, the results were not encouraging – at all.
It seems that only 12% of the 1500 survey participants feel like their hard work is been recognized and rewarded. The other 88% answered that they don’t get the recognition they deserve.
Motivation is a crucial part of success for any small to medium business – in any business sector. Good employees work hard to achieve their personal and business goals and even if they don’t manage to meet their goals their effort needs to be recognized.
After all, no one wants their good, hard working employees to leave from the company and head over to competition.
The easiest thing to do to show the appreciation to any of your employees is to give them award plaques.
Yes, you heard me right. Award plaques.
Plaques and Awards have been since … forever, one of the most recognized and more economic methods to show gratitude for someone efforts or even to award someone for their success.
A well-organized gala dinner for your employees once per year where the CEO of the company will be rewarding employees or other business partners for their effort and continues collaboration is a must in today’s business era.
Custom plaques are not expensive as they used to be and can be ordered even online. Just send the wording, choose the material and the amount you want to order and you are done.
Imagine your awarded employee how proud he or she will feel receiving a plaque with his name on in front of all his/hers colleagues for his/hers contribution to the company’s success.
Will it motivate them or what?
What do you think? Do you have any comments on this? If yes, leave them below and let us start a discussion.

Monday, July 23, 2018

3 Essential Bookkeeping Tips For New Small Business Owners

Starting a business is not that easy if you are on a tight budget. You need to limit your expenses as much as you can by doing as many tasks as you can yourself - at least for the first couple of months.

One of the most important tasks of your newly founded business is bookkeeping. Bookkeeping is perhaps the most important task you need to master - before outsourcing it to a small business bookkeepers company.

That’s why we decided to write down these 3 Easy to follow Tips for new Business Owners that will help you jumpstart your business endeavors.

Don’t Pay Your Business Expenses Using Cash

Paying your business expenses using cash is actually a big no-no for small business owner. Even if buying a stationary for your office, you need to pay via your visa or via a bank transfer.

The reason is simple. It is easier for you to find these expenses through your bank account and add them as expenses to your business in order to get tax cuts.

Keep Your Personal Expenses Separately from Your Business

You need to keep your private finances entirely independent from those of your business.

Create a separate checking account for your company to avoid a ton of confusion. Doing this will extend your business life because you will not spend money for your personal stuff from your business cash flow.

Always Check Your Books

According to several prospering entrepreneurs, reviewing your books on a weekly basis can keep you updated regarding the state of your business. By doing this, you will be much more ready to manage your income better, you will be much more ready to understand your weekly expenses and also, much more ready to know your current paid or unpaid invoices.

We hope you enjoyed these quick tips. If you did, then please consider sharing this post with your friends and family as a mean of saying thanks to the author and as giving help to those you care the most.